Advancing our mission of youth retention through educational, economic, and community building opportunities in the Upper Ohio Valley.


SupportOur mission through monetary donations.
ChampionYoung professionals and their desire to connect, grow, and engage with our community.
Enhance The Upper Ohio Valley’s culture and economy.


Sponsor a yearly membership for a young professional to join our networking community

At our Afternoon Buzzes, we forge connections with other young professionals in a social setting to further networks, capitalize on opportunities, and make genuine personal connections. At these monthly events, we highlight a local young professional for a chance to learn from them and enhance ourselves.

Simply be a friend of WDYSA
These donations keep our organization running and thriving.

Open your space for us to host one of our events within Belmont or Ohio County
We will advertise your business location with your logo and address on all of our promotional content leading up to the Afternoon Buzz

****740-310-8754 for inquires 

Corporate partnerships

Let’s collaborate to put your community commitments to work within the Upper Ohio Valley

****740-310-8754 for inquires 

we commit to positive intention, kindness, and fairness to all.
2024 - St. Clairsville, OH - 740-310-8754 - Why Don’t You Stay Awhile - All Rights Reserved